Friday, September 12, 2014

My Opinion on Op Eds

Here are some of my random thoughts and reactions to the three opinion editorials we were assigned for Friday's class.
First, A Miniskirt, Even With Leggings, Is still a miniskirt. I really liked how she established her credibility in the first paragraph. It was actually something that I noticed in all three of the opinion editorials. Before they launched into their topic, they told you things about them that were relevant to their opinions on the topic. Miniskirt told you that she was a returning student with the benefit of hindsight, so you know that she has a unique perspective of seeing the issue in two different times, with two different types of people. I thought it gave her a very strong argument that she pointed out that the opinions were the same in the seventies even though the dress code has changed since then. At first I was a bit nervous when she introduced her third reason, when she said, "this is not an LDS-based comment." I thought that she was going to completely ignore one of the most recognized reasons why we have the dress code -because we follow LDS standards, but then she gave that reason just enough attention at the end of the essay to let us know that she knew it was a real reason, but not enough attention that it was repetitive. she gave me a new way to look at the dress code and I really liked that.
Second, A Kiss-Less Campus. I didn't really enjoy or agree with this one as much. I can see PDA on campus, and maybe it's because I've been here a year and I'm used to it, but I don't think it's as big of a problem as Kiss-less makes it out to be. One thing that I don't know is right or wrong, but I didn't like was her use of very charged words like "obnoxious" and "annoying". It just made me think that she wasn't a very objective judge of the issue, she was just angry that she couldn't study because people were kissing too loud. She did have a few strong points though. The idea that we should consider our setting before we act, and giving examples of that, gave her a very strong point. She does assume that others have been in the same situations as her, so she relys primarily on anecdotes. I have been in a one of situations before, so I could agree with her, but most of her stories were things that I had never noticed. To her, the problem was "obvious," to me it wasn't.
Third, Wrestling's Dirty Secret. I really enjoyed reading this because it was referenced in the book and I was curious to read the rest of it.  I liked how he told us the background of the issue, and personalized one occurrence of it - Jeff Reese. He also gave practical advise on how to solve the issue - body fat calibration and banning plastic suites.
I thought they were all thought provoking, and gave me new information that I hadn't thought about before.

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