Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Here’s a GASCAP for my OpEd, it was actually really helpful to write it out and spend some time thinking about arguments that I could use.
G- generalization:
                I couldn’t really come up with a lot on this one, I could say that because I take offense to the moral degradation of today’s media, everyone does, but that’s not necessarily true, especially after reading forums discussing the subject.
This one was easier. I think. If I’m doing it right.
-genuinely creative works that use sex and violence and have high viewers, non-creative works use those devices to try to attract an audience.
-high acceptance rates of movies like frozen which, because they were originally geared toward a younger audience, are free from the objectionable material, but they have gained a large adult and young adult following as well, which could show that our society craves some of this simpler, cleaner entertainment.
-Princess bride. Uses some violence, but it’s not the gory violence in most Movies and TV shows today. It doesn’t really have a lot of dirty jokes, and it is still viewed today for entertainment, not just as a “classic”
S- Sign:
                If we allow violence and sex in the media, we as viewers will become desensitized to it. We already have. Things that are prevalent on screen now, would not have been allowed, or if they had been wouldn’t have been watched. In I Love Lucy, Lucy and her husband always were portrayed with twin beds. Now it is rare to find a movie geared toward adults that don’t have bedroom scenes.
                If we become ok with these things being portrayed, how much of the same will we be willing to accept, or at least turn a blind eye to, in society at large? We already live a world with very different morals than when our parents grew up, how much is going to change?
                Some people obviously care because they have definitive movie ratings and boards to decide these things. There are statistics of how many movies each year have what ratings
                Also, we are at BYU, so we can quote Divine Authority, like the 10 commandments, two of which are thou shalt not kill and thou shalt not commit adultery. I can quote For the Strength of Youth and Apostles.
                This is a morally driven argument, that entertainment can survive, and should survive without  relying on cheap resources. Those things are wrong, and so are watching them. 

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